Bullet Sifter

Bullet Sifting with the MultiScreener 07 I am using my soil sifter with a 1/4″ screen to sift bullets from a berm at a shooting range. With help, we processed 2800 pounds of bullets in 4 hours. It would sift as fast as we could shovel it on. The yellow buckets...

Worm and Dirt Sifting is Easy…

The MultiScreener makes sifting the dirt and worms so much easier. it is great for sifting worms. We currently sift about 50-60 pails every other week and we also have to sift the dirt before we use it. Our production really isn’t that big, and this machine works...

Quality Product…

The MultiScreener screens dirt faster than one person can shovel it in and it is easy to operate. Overall, I would state that it is a quality product that I would be comfortable recommending. Eric M Big Sur, CA

Very Reliable and Durable Dirt Sifter

I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate my Multiscreener. I have owned it since the spring of 2011 and have completely redesigned the lamdscape of my yard. The machine has been the best investment I’ve made in years. I use it for removing soil from...

Among the best investments I ever made…

My MultiScreener is among the best investments I ever made. It is worth its weight in gold. I live in an area where the top 6 inches of the ground is about 50% rock, 50% topsoil. (It seems like 100% rock when you go deeper!) In August and September of last year, I dug...